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Gatekeeper Radio
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    Gatekeeper Radio

    GATEKEEPER RADIO represents an innovative initiative, transforming urban spaces into vibrant temporary radio stations while also launching an online platform for creative collaboration. Its bringing together creatives from the realms of art, music, science, digital media, and society, fostering connections through artistic inquiries and the exploration of new potentials.

    Despite the persistence of social and cultural gatekeepers within institutional and societal structures, the project is dedicated to breaking down these barriers and recreateing fresh access points. Through GATEKEEPER RADIO, we offer both physical and digital spaces that spotlight artists and social influencers, granting audiences valuable insights into their work. With diverse programs and perspectives, our dynamic project invites listeners and visitors to explore the multifaceted realms of culture and society.

    GATEKEEPER RADIO is a not-for-profit experimental radio. The station's aspiration is to uphold and advance radio and broadcasting culture by exploring the adaptable nature of the medium. This involves both respecting and pushing the boundaries of its fundamental characteristics: it functions as a physical venue accessible to the public and an online radio platform; it maintains a schedule of regular programming while also embracing extended and spontaneous events; it showcases expansive generative music performances and creative exchange while adhering to conventional radio timeframes. In essence, it seeks to amplify and honor the expressive, communal, and educational capabilities inherent in radio, leveraging its inherent strengths to enrich and celebrate the medium.

    Code of conduct

    We reject all forms of discrimination, including but not limited to sexism, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, ableism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, and intersections thereof. We commit to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all members and participants, regardless of their identity or background. We also recognize that there may be other forms of discrimination that we ‚are still to learn about.