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    Gatekeeper Radio - Show Application

    Thanks for your interest in contributing to GATEKEEPER RADIO!

    We are a not-profit experimental radio station dedicated to independent broadcasting culture and creativity in expression.

    The following form is intended to gather all necessary information about your planned radio show.

    Vielen Dank für dein Interesse an einer Mitarbeit bei GATEKEEPER RADIO!

    Wir sind ein experimentelles non-profit Radio, das als Teil der unabhängigen Radiokultur eine Plattform für kreativen Ausdruck bieten soll.

    Das folgende Formular soll dazu dienen, alle nötigen Informationen zu deiner geplanten Radioshow zu sammeln.

    1. Contact Info
    2. Social Media

    See Examples bellow

    3. Your Show

    GATEKEEPER RADIO emphasizes a wide approach towards broadcasting. All forms of crossover, interdisciplinary and unconventional formats are welcome. We dedicate to not only music, but also cultural and social content that can be expressed through audio.

    4. Ready to Submit?